Monday, March 28, 2011

Hit by a bus?

Good thing I'm paying attention b/c as I was in Downtown on my way to dinner after work, a bus comes veering into my lane! Hello bus driver!!!! Wake up! It amazes me how crazy drivers are. Scootering around can be a chore. Definitely got to keep my head up and continue paying very close attention since I need to make up for those who lack the ability, strength or heart to.

This is another example of how life would be so much better if people would just do what they're supposed to do. People know what's expected of them. It's not that hard. Rarely are accidents truly accidents. Unfortunately the minority group needs to work hard enough to make up for the lazy and/or uncaring majority.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scootering in the rain

Don't do it - ever. I did it once yesterday b/c I was too dumb to look at the weather report before taking the scoot out to work. By the time I got off and was ready to ride back home, it was drenched and still raining. Super dangerous.

The cold didn't bother me and my soaked pants didn't bother me either. It's the fact that I know drivers out there aren't paying attention that scares me. Also if I do happen to fall, I'd go sliding and be even more vulnerable to other cars. Lesson learned. No riding in the rain.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No fun in the rain

I've been having trouble passing smog with the car, so I have basically been driving that to help clear the codes to pass. The rain hasn't helped with any scooter riding opportunities either. I hope it gets better soon.