Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hoverboard Safety News

  • An update from the Consumer Products Safety Commission:

    I was really hoping to find some good information, but all I'm seeing in that article is a summary of recent news and reinforcing the concern that this product is of concern. I hate to be negative, but Duh1 Come on. Get to it. If the CPSC is really serious about an investigation, it would have been completed by now. There are so many experts out there who are knowledgeable about batteries and all the techy circuitry. Get them and get moving.

    I'm starting to think this is just an exercise for them. They're only doing it b/c they're expected to as they are of course the Consumer Products Safety Commission. 

  • UL is accepting applications for hoverboards. That's only good news if any manufacturer bothers to send an application. So far, they're selling quite well despite the fires. Will we see some UL listed ones soon? So far we've gotten chargers that are UL listed, but no hoverboard themselves.