One thing I would never ever do? Purposely go down to AT&T Park to go through traffic and see all the crazies. But things are way different with the scooter. Headed straight there after dinner to check out the chaos. Saw tons of it.
I filtered through the traffic but the dangerous part was that people would drive with their car doors open!!!! Yes, even the drivers! It was all stop and go traffic though with cars going 5 MPG at the fastest along Embarcadero. Low rider cars with pumped up stereos sitting on 22"'s stopped at an angle in the middle of a two lane street, hopped up on their car's roofs and started dancing! It was nuts. I couldn't get my camera out in time, but pulled over later and took some videos.
I wasn't able to get the best of the footage, but manged to get a glimpse of some fanatics. Looks like these folks kept their Halloween costumes with them. There were so many people out tonight in SF even though the Giants won in Texas. Streets were closed, cops were everywhere and even Muni took detours to avoid all the traffic.
It was like this within a 3 block radius of the Park. Constant honking, yelling, screaming and kids running through the streets high-fiving random strangers - me included. Traffic was insane but no one was upset at anyone. It was a bit touching seeing the community get together like this. All races and ages of people were really into celebrating the Giant's win. You'd literally see strangers get out of their cars approaching other vehicles smiling and high-fiving all night long. Smelled a bit of pot and saw quite a few drinkers in their cars though. All in all a good night.
This was the parade a few days later! Some definite hardcore fans showed up. Lots of people skipped work to attend. Estimated 1 million people showed up! That's ridiculous! The first place we showed up to watch was packed full of people. Even MUNI buses and delivery trucks got stuck! It's pretty cool that the scooter allowed me to attend this. There's no other way I would have come. It would take too long on a bus. No one would come with me and driving a car looking for parking would be insane if not impossible.
Even with a scooter it took us 1 hour to find a place to watch the parade from a good spot. Most of the streets were so packed full of people there was no way to see anything. Here's a handful of a few of the million people that showed up. Notice the guy with face paint who climbed up on the pole waving a flag. We're all looking at the cable car crossing onto Market Street. The best view was from there. Saw a couple players! Two per cable car. Some of the floats were being pulled by UPS trucks! As Uncle Victor and I walked back to our scooters to leave after the event, I saw at least two people pee on the street. One guy peed on a tree and the other on a car! Yuck. Yes, that means he was facing the street!

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