Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Watch out for that tennis ball!

I got hit by a tennis ball this morning riding home from breakfast with your mom. On Geary Blvd next to the school, I saw a tennis ball bouncing on the floor and didn't really do much to swerve out of the way. Luckily it bounced and hit the fender rather than in one of the two worst other possible places like,

1. My head or
2. Under the wheel.

It wasn't coming too fast, but did surprise me. I'm not sure if I ignored the ball and failed to swerve intentionally or if I just froze when it happened. Either case, I'm glad nothing happened. It just bounced on the ground, hit the fender and ended up along side of the road somewhere else. It came on a big uphill slope, so I'm sure it kept sliding down the street behind me as I passed.

Another scooter close call?


  1. Hi, man.
    I'm from Ruusia, Moscow and I have Vino 125(Bianco edition).
    Your blog is realy good, I found here many intresting information. Pretty good!
    I have some question about our scooter, do you have email or facebook account?

  2. Thanks for your compliment. I hadn't realized people actually read this blog other than myself as record. Good to know it's been useful for someone. Sorry I didn't reply much much much earlier. I do not have facebook, but you can email me at
