Thursday, October 28, 2010

Give me a wave

Got another wave today. Yup, that simple gesture makes my day for some reason. Actually it wasn't really a wave. More of a honk. I was turning up the windy road by the Cliff House when a scooter rider coming the opposite way smiles and gives me a friendly honk. I've never been given a friendly honk before and by the time I could react with a return honk, he was gone. I wasn't about to take my hands off the handlebars at 35mph going uphill - not a chance. I hope he saw my nod though. So dude, if you're reading this, "Hello!"


  1. In the two days I've had my Vino 125, I have to admit, the whole getting a wave from people on big bikes makes me smile almost as much as riding the scoot itself.

  2. Glad you're enjoying it! Ride safe!
