Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Win Some Lose Some

After sharing a parking space with a cager, I came back to find our meter to be expired. Technically scooterists are responsible for the meter if the cager leaves the space. But I wondered if we would both get tickets.

He had a ticket on his windshield.

I turned to my scooter (wondering if they were to give me a ticket, where would they put it?) and no ticket! I just saved myself $65. As happy as a clam, I took photos of the poor ticketed car and my ticketless scooter.

As I made my way to see your Uncle Victor, I had realized that I left my sunglasses on the back of the scooter!!!! Uh oh. I pulled slowly to a stop hoping with a 1% chance that the sunglasses was still on the back.

Nope. Gone.

I had some time, so I backtracked to the parking space I had left to look under cars and all over the road but no sunglasses. Gained $65 in potential parking ticket, but lost my $52 glasses! Ugh.

*Deep breath*

Very disappointed, but at least the stock market did okay today. Didn't sell any shares so all gains are still on paper, but it at least makes me feel better that I'm technically not negative on my liquidity.

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