Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time for better gloves?

I have been using some "fashion" gloves bought from some leather company at an outlet store for $15 which are good for warmth but which aren't really designed to resist abrasive situations that I may be exposed to on the scooter. I had held off on getting motorcycle specific gloves for one reason - to save money. I sold the aftermarket seat that came with my scooter. The $45 from that plus my American Express credit is enough to buy the gloves, but I still held off for whatever reason. I just didn't feel like spending money until I saw this.

Is that scary enough for you? That's got to be the worst photo of motorcycle damaged hands I've ever seen in my life. This guy is a member of and had to soak is hands in salt water 3x a day and change bandages 3x a day. He was off from work for 2 months to recover! Ugh. His lesson to everyone? Wear gloves. Maybe it's time to get some cheap insurance on this and just get those gloves. Go ahead and click on the photo for a closeup.

How did this happen? He reported on the forum thread that someone had swerved in front of him. Something happened and I'm thinking he fell off and had skid across the pavement. Yuck.

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